Kiriaini – Kenya
€16.00 – €57.00
Blackberry, Vanilla, Raspberry, Milk Chocolate
SCA Score: 87
STATION: Kiraini Factory
PROCESSING: Fully washed
VARIETAL: Batian, Ruiru 11, SL28, SL34
ALTITUDE: 1,700 to 1,900 meters
OWNER: 571 farmers delivering to Kiraini Factory
REGION: Muranga
Farm Size: 200 to 300 trees on average

Additional information
Kiriani Factory is located in the village of Kiriani. Operated by the Thikagiki Cooperative, the factory was established in 1974. Kiriani was named after the village where it is situated.
The factory has been a hub for 571 farmers who deliver their coffee for processing. Members of Thikagiki Factory have access to many services, including cherry processing and marketing of finished parchment.
Farmers delivering to Kiriaini Cultivate primarily SL28 and SL34 in small coffee gardens that are, on average, about 200 trees. ‘SL’ varieties are cultivars originally released by Scott Agricultural Laboratories (SAL) in the 1930s and 1940s. They soon became the go-to trees for many growers in Kenya due to their deep root structure, which allows them to maximize scarce water resources and flourish even without irrigation. They are cultivated with a serious eye towards sustainability and Good Agricultural Practices, with minimal environmental impact where possible.
Batian is a relatively new variety introduced by the Kenya Coffee Research Institute (CRI) in 2010. Batian is named after the highest peak on Mt. Kenya and is resistant to both CBD and CLR. The variety has the added benefit of early maturity – cropping after only two years. Similar to Batian, Ruiru 11 is a new variety known for its disease resistance and high yields. It also starts yielding fruit after just 2 years.